Estate Planning Solutions
Part of Moser Bland & Co.’s core expertise is advising on estate planning issues and liaising with legal practitioners on the preparation of wills, powers of attorney and guardianship appointments.
We are able to advise you on the best way to own assets and structure your life insurance to give you the greatest opportunity to take advantage of the tax concessions. Unless you prepare now to permit these things to happen in the event of your death, the opportunity will be lost.
In documenting your plan for what is to happen with your assets in the event of your death, primarily through your will, you need to be made aware of and resolve the often complex issues that can arise. Moser Bland & Co. has many years experience in dealing with the complex issues which arise during estate planning.
Our service provides you with certainty of outcome, and the knowledge that your objectives will be achieved in a tax effective way. For instance, a properly structured will can permit your beneficiaries to save tax on the income earned from the investment of the gift. Unless the will is set up properly, the important and legitimate concession that permits tax to be saved cannot be used by your beneficiaries.
We regularly advise clients about the difficulties relating to asset ownership by superannuation funds, family companies and trusts.
Superannuation death benefits do not automatically form part of your estate and pass with your other assets under your will. Unless the correct arrangements are in place, not only may your superannuation benefits not go where you want them to, but more tax than is necessary may be payable.
If your company holds assets, you will need to consider how to pass control of the company in the event of your death. Careful planning may be required, particularly where you don’t intend to leave all beneficiaries an equal control of the company.
Assets held in discretionary trusts can pose special problems, because with a trust, there are no assets held in your own name to bequest in your will. When the founder of a trust dies, managing how the trust is controlled is the most important thing. This can ensure that an intended beneficiary of the trust is not disadvantaged after the founder’s death. Moser Bland & Co. have developed control structures to ensure that the required outcome is achieved.